Y’know, I don’t think I ever actually did have to write one of those essays when I was in school. Sometimes I wonder if anyone ever did, or if it was something that just got made up for sitcoms and cartoon strips.

In any case, I thought it might be fun to recount some of what happened to me over the ten week extended vacation I had this summer. I had wanted to blog about it as it happened, but it never quite seemed to work out. Ah well!

My first day away from work — Saturday, June 23, 2007 — I attended the Japanese Bobtail Breeders’ Society annual awards banquet. It is held in a different location each year, generally alternating between the East Coast, West Coast, and Midwest. This year’s meeting was held at the Multnomah Falls Lodge, about thirty miles west of Portland.

While Multnomah Falls can be seen from the highway (Interstate 84), I’d never had a chance to look at it for myself. This picture was taken from the parking lot, using the brand new digital camera I’d borrowed from Joe for the evening. (Clicking on it will take you to the LJ gallery, and from there you can navigate to a larger version of the same picture.)

The falls were the best part of the evening; the banquet itself started off a bit rough — I’d had to try and manage a setup which the lodge management had changed on us at the last minute, and I had no idea how to rejuggle table seating. Who could be seated with who, and who had better darn well not be seated anywhere near whoever else, all that sort of thing.

But it all worked out okay in the end, and I got to head out into the sunset of one of the longest days of the year. The real vacation beckoned.

How I Spent My Summer Vacation, Part One
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