This was the next entry on my list, but somehow with the current political situation, it seems so, so apt: “If you’re born in this world you’re given a ticket to the freak show. If you’re born in America you’re
Don’t Reward the Predators
I’m sending the following letter to my Senators and Congressman this week. I wanted to share it with all of you as well, because I think the subject is profoundly important. I am writing to encourage you to vote against
Victory party music?
Yes, darn it, I’m an optomist. (It’s either that or go mad.) On Monday night, when Joe and I were in the car, talking about the election, the local classical music station was playing the “Ode to Joy.” Joe asked
Another Report from the Trenches
What a weekend. As I was contemplating this journal entry, I realized that much of the experiences I’ve had this weekend, which seem quite different but actually can be tied together by one theme: I hate selling. But I have