A little something to get me in the habit of posting more often.  Enjoy!
Today’s word for the day is
From Wikipedia:
[Cuauhtémoc] Blanco remains remembered for the Cuauhtemiña (also spelled Cuauhteminha), or Blanco Trick, which he performed notably at the 1998 World Cup. In the trick, when two or more opposition players are trying to take the ball from him, he traps the ball between his feet and jumps through the defenders- releasing the ball in the air and landing with it under control as he leaves the opposition players behind. The trick is easy to perform but is eye-catching and has been incorporated as a special skill into the FIFA series of football video games.
“The trick is easy to perform …” Â Yeah, maybe if you’re Cuauhtemoc Blanco it is. Â 🙂